Hey All,
So Silbo puzzled us a number of times today, leaving us with a few questions we are still investigating and will update everyone on once we find the answers.
First off, when Silbo surfaced on the 12:03am on August 1, he mysteriously popped up in a very unexpected location:
He had flown backwards nearly a day and a half worth of progress, surfacing directly where he crossed on the 30th.
To add to the mystery, the last two surfacings have taken longer than normal, up to ~12 hrs between surfacings (up from 10.5 for the previous days). These two issues will be further investigated by our team over the next couple days.
Looking at my rough vertical velocity plot below, we can see that the previous two surfacings show that our average velocity seems to be a bit lower than previous segments. We will look further in depth soon to see if we can find out what may have caused this.
Finally, we do have a bit of good news! The battery estimates below are showing that we potentially have enough battery power to last us through September 2013!
Silbo is currently equipped with 3 lithium battery packs, which makes these numbers believable. Although it shouldn’t take us that long to complete our mission, it is a nice security blanket seeing those numbers
Force Wind Sea & Honor
Antonio & Nilsen