Hey All!

So after looking at the data from today’s test, we think it is safe to conclude to that Challenger is flying very well and that we will be able to fly in the condition the glider is in. Just as a quick recap, the test we ran was flying the glider at full power to use a comparison to flying with low power mode to see how well the fixes Dave has implemented work.

In this first plot, we can see that on the Feb 22 when the test was run, the standard deviation of the heading error dropped out as the flight computer was able to control the flight at every 4 sec instead of 30 sec.


Looking at the heading error for the segment, we can see that in high power with adjustments occurring every 4 seconds, the heading error rarely breaks 5˚, showing we are flying very well.

If we then look below to a segment where we flew with low power, Dave’s tuning has gotten us to a point of heading error just reaching out to 10˚ when reactions are at 30 sec intervals.  From this news, we are glad to say we are in great shape for pushing onwards as we try and take Challenger to Brazil!

On another bit of good news, the TWR estimate for duration of Challenger’s battery life was just under 2% of what Dave’s calculations gave us, giving us even more confidence in this mission!

Force Wind Sea & Honor