Hey All!
Great news everyone; Antonio has landed safely in the USA!
As we have explained previously, Antonio has won the RUCOOL Technical Achievement Award for Cyber Navigation, effectively breaking down barriers and revolutionizing the way gliders will be piloted in the future with the Pinzon 4D visualization platform. Click here for more info
Antonio will be visiting through Thursday May 2, during which we will collaborate on piloting, Pinzon, and future projects, Antonio will be presented with his award, and he will take part in the final presentation ceremony for the Ocean Observatory class.
But back to our gliders
Challenger is continuing to gain speed, as she has just broken 30 km/day on the last surfacing!
Although the currents still aren’t completely favorable, the wiggle room we have given her with the distant way point has allowed her to take advantage of the northern component of the northeast flowing current. And as this current continues to rotate further to the north east, we will surf it at an angle and take advantage of this increase in speed.
As for Silbo to the north, he is continuing to fight on as we still lack a favorable current below the surface. Looking at the Pinzon data, we can see that the depth average currents are largely being affected by the depths from about 200-1000 flowing out to the northeast
However there does seem to be some relief on the horizon as that subsurface current seems to weaken towards the north western edge of the cube and rotates to the north. Hopefully over the next week or so Silbo will be able to catch up to these favorable waters and we will be able to surf the current like Challenger instead of being in constantly battle as Silbo has since October.
Force Wind Sea & Honor
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