Hey All,
So over the past few days, Challenger has continued to fly to the North, following the way point that we put into action before the weekend.
In the plot above, we can see that we were able to increase our speed a bit, however we reached our extent of how far we wanted to fly north. Now that we have started flying back to the west, our velocity has began to drop a little once again. This we don’t think will be a sustained drop as the currents seem more favorable in the near future.
The current seems to rotate to the north west not too far from our current location and so we hope we will begin to see more favorable currents begin to help us along our way.
To the north, Silbo has continued to see some interesting events as he crosses the Mid Atlantic Ridge that Antonio has created some great imagery for:
As Silbo continued to cross the ridges, we saw once again the oscillations in current that we hypothesized were similar to the interactions planes see while flying over mountains.
Thanks to the 3-d imagery of the sea floor from google earth, we are able to see the ridges and trenches our little droid has been traversing. Some of these mountains actually resulted in nearly 4000m differences in a very short distance! The pressure caused by the water being forced through this area by the flow of the gyre may be what has caused the circulation of the current recorded by Silbo.
Force Wind Sea & Honor
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