Hey all,

In the midst of St. Patrick’s Day, Silbo is continuing on his way on his voyage through the eddy solar system.

Our goal for this weekend and into the early part of next week is to line silbo up between the middle-right side of the green arrow shown in the image above.  The plan is to ride the sun (which has over the past couple days split from a single large eddy to two smaller ones changing the currents in our most recent position) around and to the east.  The combination of the counter clockwise spinning sun with the clock wise spinning warm eddies encircling it have created a path that will hopefully hold its form as we reach it.  We also hope this plan will raise our speed as the effects of this configuration is similar to a pitching machine for baseball/tennis etc. where the two adjacent eddies spinning in opposite directions create a super powered  current.  So as we close in, we must fasten our seat belts, cross our fingers and hold on tight as we may get a huge boost of speed over the next couple days.


For now Force Wind Sea & Honor all


Nilsen Strandskov, Antonio Ramos and Oliver Ho