Hey All,

It looks like everything is fine once again for Challenger now after flying at speeds of 30 km/day:




However, towards the end of the day yesterday, we did run into a small complication.  After we thought that everything was fully operational once again with Challenger, she aborted due to an error with the digifin. What triggered this abort was that the fin got stuck to one side and was unable to free itself:



After looking over the data, the glider was then sent back on a test dive which provided some positive results.  Since then Challenger has been sent on her way with a way point on Ascension Island.

The depth average current calculated by the glider are showing a flow to the North West in a favorable direction so we hope this stroke of luck will continue in our favor. Tomorrow we will update everyone on imagery from Antonio’s Cube to get an idea of what we will be seeing as we make our way through the weekend.

Force Wind Sea & Honor