90 days into its mission, Silbo is continuing to fly like a champ, averaging 37km/day!

Looking at the models, Copernicus continues to match the currents reported by the glider nearly perfectly, showing a flow to the northwest as we enter the western edge of a small warm eddy while the RTOFS and HYCOM models show a flow to the south east.

Copernicus forecast 7/12/2016

Copernicus forecast 7/12/2016

HYCOM Forecast 7/12/2016

HYCOM Forecast 7/12/2016

RTOFS forecast 7/12/2016

RTOFS forecast 7/12/2016

To further take advantage of the currents reported by Copernicus and verified by the glider’s calculations, at the next surfacing, Silbo will pick up a new way point which was set 100km north of the current point, at 44˚30N 37˚W


We hope this way point will allow us to take the northern route outlined in the image above as we try and make our way further to the North East towards Europe and the United Kingdom.

Force Wind Sea & Honor