Now just 500km from the United Kingdom’s EEZ, Silbo is back to making good progress covering roughly 30 km/day.  A few days ago, we flew through a couple of small eddies that slowed progress a little bit but didn’t bump us too off course.


As we make our way closer to the shelf, the way point currently set at 47˚ 15N, 14˚ 45W has us lined up nicely to ride the edge of the eddy system towards our goal

Copernicus Oct 27

Copernicus Oct 27

Over the next few weeks, we will then move the way point to get us around the southern edge of the large eddy and close in on the EEZ around the end of november.  From there, we will then turn on the thruster to move the glider up the shallow shelf on the way to recovery.

Force Wind Sea & Honor